aprendIA for North-East Nigeria
Challenge: 1.5 million school-age children need critical education assistance with 75% completely out of school. Learning facilitators lack critical skills for managing the varied student needs and the capacity to support so many students well. This humanitarian crisis has resulted in a lack of access to resources that support an inclusive learning environment, both in formal and non-formal education, leading to poor learning outcomes. Teachers are overwhelmed by large classrooms, and they lack professional skills to deliver an enriching educational experience for the students.
Solution: Working with Nigeria’s Opportunity to Learn (OTL) program, aprendIA is being tested and adapted for the North-east Nigeria context, providing supplementary support for learning facilitators at non-formal learning centers in the bay states, where out of school children from IDP communities attend the Accelerated Basic Education Program (ABEP). The content includes classroom activities, classroom management, technical assistance and social emotional learning to ensure learning facilitators are well-equipped to deliver the curriculum to students.
Case Study: will be available soon.